DNA Hormones Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
24 January 2025
What are SNPs?
By Ilse Justus
28 October 2024
SNPs are short for single nucleotide polymorphisms. Our genes contain all the instructions necessary to keep our bodies running in tip-top shape. These instructions come in the form of a ‘code’ made up of a sequence of nucleotides represented by the letters A, T, C and G. Small variations in genes (SNPs) can slightly change this 'code'.
Your Liver, commanding your health physically and psychologically
By Ilse Justus
27 August 2024
Your liver is more than just a detox organ. It can be regarded as the most important organ in relation to health. Think of it as the commanding general of the body. It protects, defends and commands over 500 tasks it does for the body daily. It effects physical and mental health.
Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis in context
By Ilse Justus
13 June 2024
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis can creep up on us as we age. People often get confused about which is which, and also the nutrients required to prevent and support these respective conditions.
Flaxseeds and Women's Health
By Ilse Justus
5 June 2024
Flaxsseds positively impact women's health in a variety of ways. namely, in relation to hormonal balance, bone health, digestive health, heart health, breast health.
Metabolic Transformation - you can transform your health and weight landscape
By Ilse Justus
19 May 2024
The human metabolism process plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Metabolism is more than just burning calories for energy to move. It is at the heart of your health landscape in life. It literally keeps you alive and influences the quality of your health, and life.
Manage oxidative stress for anti-aging & longevity
By Ilse Justus
30 April 2024
Oxidative stress can be compared to “human rusting” and affects how we age visibly, and invisibly. Our lifestyles and genes directly impact on how well our bodies deal with and sometimes come to exist in a constant state of oxidative stress.
Chronic Pain - Searching for answers?
By Ilse Justus
19 March 2024
There is more to chronic pain than just inflammation. Your experience of chronic pain is never the result of just one thing. Studies show that other factors such as an individual’s environment, lifestyle and genetic makeup play a critical role in the cause of chronic pain. Read more on all the biological pathways involved in chronic pain. And how you can find answers relevant to your experience of chronic pain.
Vitamin D deficiency and Weight Gain
By Ilse Justus
13 March 2024
Vitamin D is involved in several mechanisms in the body which influence weight management. Sub-optimal Vitamin D levels can cause weight gain without making any intentional changes to diet or exercise. The reverse is also true where being overweight can cause low vitamin D levels which perpetuates the cycle of gaining weight.
DNA Testing is all about YOU!
By Ilse Justus/ DNALYSIS
7 March 2024
DNA testing using the DNALYSIS tests is about determining how your body responds based on your own blueprint to everything that you put into it, and everything that you choose to do with it. Read more if you do not know where to start.
When should you take your supplements?
By Brent Murphy (Pharmacist)
6 February 2024
When and how to take your supplements? Before or after meals? And what time of day is best?
Autoimmune diseases. The role of genes and environment.
By Ilse Justus
13 November 2023
Autoimmune diseases are on the rise in all parts of the world, likely due to the increase in environmental exposures to alterations in our foods, air pollution, infections, xenobiotics, lifestyle and stress. Genetics and environment are the big triggers. Read more on how to identify your risks for the purpose of prevention, and mitigation of symptoms.
When raised homocysteine and raised cholesterol collide, you need to act
By Ilse Justus
17 September 2023
Raised homocysteine is associated with many conditions such as problems during pregnancy and foetal outcomes, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression and notably, cardiovascular disease. It is important to bear in mind that homocysteine and cholesterol have a bi-directional relationship. The situation is exacerbated when genes are involved.
DNA Pain Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
14 September 2023
Is it Menopause or Adrenal Fatigue? Or are they fueling each other?
By Ilse Justus
14 August 2023
Adrenal fatigue and menopause are two distinct physiological processes that predominantly affect women as they age. The symptoms are very similar and can fuel each other. There is added pressure on the adrenals during menopause. Read more to find out why and how you can support them.
Ditch the alcohol to support weight-loss
By Ilse Justus
27 July 2023
In the quest for weight loss, it is essential to identify the potential factors that hinder progress. Alcohol is one of those factors. Often associated with socializing and relaxation, alcohol can have detrimental effects on your weight loss journey. Read more on how alcohol sabotages weight-loss efforts.
DNA Core Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
26 July 2023
Ditch the alcohol to mitigate Breast Cancer Risk
By Ilse Justus
26 July 2023
Studies have shown that alcohol increases breast cancer risk. The “acceptable” amounts differ from person to person and your genes have a lot to do with it. The bottom line is that one drink a day might be too much for some people given their genetic profile. This article elaborates on how alcohol can increase risk.
Mitigating breast cancer risk with diet and lifestyle interventions
By Ilse Justus
10 July 2023
Even though many things are still unknown when it comes to cancer, we know that 75-80% of breast cancers are oestrogen-receptive, meaning that oestrogen metabolites fuel cancer cell growth. Helping our bodies to detox oestrogen efficiently is paramount. Read more to get tips on how you can assist your body to do this.
The Role of Vitamin D. Most people have sub-optimal levels.
By Ilse Justus
11 June 2023
Vitamin D has a critical role to play in the body. Most people are deficient for overall disease prevention given their genetic predisposition (those with Caucasian descent), inadequate diet and insufficient sunlight. Research shows that the laboratory standard of 20-30 ng/ml only really protects you against rickets. There is a strong likelihood that your Vitamin D level needs to be higher.
Epigenetics and child development
By Ilse Justus
19 May 2023
Epigenetics relates to how your behaviours and environment impact on genetic expression. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence and expresses it, manifesting in different physiological and psychological effects. In the context of child development, the question of "Nature vs. Nurture" is no longer a debate. It's nearly always both.
Seed bread for your daily dose of seeds
By Ilse Justus
22 April 2023
Delicious Seed Bread Seeds should be eaten every day for good health. They are filled with loads of nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain fibre, great for digestion and detoxification.
DNA Smile Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
4 April 2023
DNA Risk Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
4 April 2023
DNA Medcheck Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
4 April 2023
DNA Growbaby Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
3 April 2023
DNA Skin Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
3 April 2023
Thrive: The Power of Resilience, a must-read for self-actualisation
By Ilse Justus
31 March 2023
We have all experienced some degree of struggle, hardship, failure, challenge, pain and sadness, forcing us to draw heavily on emotional, mental and even physical resources day in and day out. Being hit by curveballs in life sometimes knocks the wind out of our sails but we must keep moving forward with focus and energy if we want to realise our full potential. Thrive: The Power of Resilience is an ideal resource, providing the necessary skills and guidance for self-actualisation.
DNA Mind Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
30 March 2023
DNA Health Sample Report
By DNA Laboratories
29 March 2023
DNA Diet Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
29 March 2023
DNA Sport Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
29 March 2023
DNALYSIS Resilience Sample Report
By DNALYSIS Laboratories
29 March 2023
Exercise REGULARLY for positive epigenetic impacts
By Ilse Justus
17 March 2023
The benefits of exercise extend way beyond weight management and physique. Exercise can affect gene expression, impacting on many biological pathways, both mentally and physically.
Got the jitters? Tools to deal with anxiety before stressful events
By Ilse Justus / Lisa
24 February 2023
Stress-induced anxiety or panic attacks can often begin later in life following a traumatic event. And even in the absence of such an event, presenting to groups of people, writing exams or preparing for a "big event" can result in panic attacks purely because of the fear of the unknown or pressure to succeed. Read Lisa's experience of anxiety and how she overcame it using a few simple tools.
Is lack of sleep making you fat?
By Ilse Justus
23 February 2023
Lack of sleep disrupts the delicate balance of hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to a number of factors that can cause weight gain over time. You may also have an "evening preference" thanks to your circadian gene. Practising good sleep hygiene is important for good health and weight management.
Easy Meditation practices for improved Resilience
By Ilse Justus
18 February 2023
Research has confirmed that meditation positively impacts the genes involved in our level of resilience, defined as the ability to adapt to stress while maintaining healthy mental and physical performance. Meditation is HIGHLY advised for four of the seven molecular pathways responsible for resilience and stress management.
Serotonin - the Happy Hormone
By Ilse Justus
5 February 2023
Serotonin is considered the "happy hormone". It is an important modulator of mood, contributing to feelings of happiness and well-being. Low levels are associated with mood disorders, anxiety and depression. It also plays an essential role in cognitive function. The serotonin pathway is one of the seven important molecular areas of resilience, something we can all focus on in the times we are living in today.
Apprehensive about gene testing?
By Ilse Justus
4 December 2022
Are you apprehensive about having your genes tested? Don't be! Knowledge is power. The outcome of tests will guide your wellness and fitness journey to new heights.
Oestrogen Dominance
By Ilse Justus
25 November 2022
Improving oestrogen metabolism is of benefit to women who suffer from oestrogen-dominant conditions such as PMS, endometriosis, uterine fibroid tumours, fibrocystic or painful breasts, cervical dysplasia, and systemic lupus erythematosus, or where there is a family history of breast, uterine or ovarian cancer in women, or prostate cancer in men. Being aware of this phenomenon is also imperative during menopause.
Cancer Risks & HRT during Menopause
By Ilse Justus
24 November 2022
Menopause can be a stressful time for most women having to deal with menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings etc. due to hormone imbalances and reduced hormone levels. This is why many women turn to hormone replacement therapy. However, you need to consider whether HRT is for you given the risks which could arise as a result of possible poor oestrogen metabolism given your genetic make up and possible gene variations.
Vegan? Ensure you are eating Complete Proteins
By Ilse Justus
5 May 2022
If you are vegan you need to ensure that you are eating complete proteins (containing all the essential amino acids) in a 24-hour period since this is the only way the body can use the protein to perform its various bodily functions.
Anaemia can be more than an iron deficiency
By Ilse Justus
7 April 2022
Anaemia is a condition in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells in the blood. The major symptom of anaemia is extreme fatigue. If left unchecked anaemia can also have a negative impact on your immune defences and lead to other health conditions and symptoms.
Lima bean Spread or Dip - rich in fibre and minerals
By Ilse Justus
5 April 2022
Eating for insulin resistance. Lima Bean Spread or Dip
Belly Fat - Cutting carbs but still battling with Belly Fat?
By Ilse Justus
24 March 2022
Belly fat is receiving a lot of attention in the media, along with advice to cut carbs out of the diet. This is not the answer for sustainable good health in the long term, nor a flat belly for most people. There are a host of factors at play plus an additional very important dietary one to consider if you are wanting a flat belly!
The Mind-Body Connection
By Inga Jackson (BodyTalk Practitioner)
25 February 2022
Health is not just about viruses, bacteria, organs, muscles, tissue and bones but about beliefs, emotions, relationships and environmental factors. Unless you take all those into account, you won’t ever get the maximum improvement of health.
Antioxidant, fibre-rich Date and Chia Jam
By Ilse Justus
15 February 2022
Antioxidant, fibre-rich Date and Chia Jam
The far-reaching effects of Stress on your Digestive System and Microbiome
By Ilse Justus
14 February 2022
Chronic stress affects your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food you eat because the mucous of the gut lining changes by producing fewer digestive enzymes; hence your body struggles to break down food properly and to absorb the nutrients. Your all-important microbiome is negatively impacted on by stress and this fuels a host of problems in the body.
A Healthy Liver for Weight Management
By Ilse Justus
7 February 2022
To maintain your weight, you require an efficient metabolism. Metabolism is the process during which, at a cellular level your body converts food into energy. The liver is the metabolic hub of overall metabolisation of all substances, including food, in the body. A sluggish liver results in a sluggish metabolism.
The Lymphatic System - the Unsung Hero
By Ilse Justus
27 January 2022
The lymphatic system is critical for a well-functioning immune system. It is the body’s drainage system, fluid balance regulator and delivery system for specialised immune defence white blood cells.
Detoxification - Support and the Role of your Genes
By Ilse Justus
20 January 2022
Detoxification is a crucial metabolic pathway in the body, necessary for optimal health and disease prevention. The liver is by far the major detoxifier of the body. Think of it as a 24/7 cleaning service.
Weight Management - My personal experience of DNA Diet test
By Ilse Justus
17 January 2022
Creamy Cruciferous Smoothie for Detoxification
By Ilse Justus
16 January 2022
Creamy Cruciferous Smoothie
Tangy Broccoli Salad for Detoxification
By Ilse Justus
15 January 2022
Tangy Broccoli Salad for Detoxification
Anti-inflammatory Fish Cakes Recipe
By Ilse Justus
9 January 2022
Trout, Salmon and Pea Fish Cakes
Anti-inflammatory Chia-Berry breakfast Recipe
By Ilse Justus
9 January 2022
Chia Berry Bowl
Inflammation - often a double-edged sword
By Ilse Justus
8 January 2022
Inflammation can be a biological double-edged sword. It is a normal automatic immune response to injury, irritation or infection. Inflammation is protective by design but can become destructive if left unchecked.
Recipes to support Methylation
By Ilse Justus
16 December 2021
Butternut, Quinoa & Cranberry Salad and Oat & Date Cookies
Recipes to support Oxidative Stress Pathway
By Ilse Justus
16 December 2021
Beetroot Quinoa with Salmon and Banana-Cacao Ice Cream
Lipids: All about Fat, Cholesterol and Essential Fatty Acids
By Ilse Justus
15 December 2021
Fat is an extremely important macro-nutrient to include in your diet since it plays a pivotal role in many of your bodily functions and a protective role with respect to every cell and organ in your body. It is very important to ensure that the dietary fat that you include is “good” fat.
Methylation - critical for cellular health
By Ilse Justus
13 December 2021
Methylation is a key biochemical process that is essential for repairing and making new DNA. It regulates gene expression, namely, it influences how a gene behaves by up-regulating it, turning it off or making it less active. Methylation is also key in breaking down homocysteine.
Oxidative stress – free radicals and antioxidants
By Ilse Justus
10 December 2021
Oxidation is a normal and necessary process that takes place in your body. Every time we breathe we inhale oxygen which is very necessary for every cell in our body.